Hello Cat, I got through to your comment and am leaving this in reply,I shall attempt to title the people and works in the images displayed and email the group to mention that future photo postings should include descriptions. i am busy thinking dry thoughts and noticed the weather front had shifted upwards of outer beyond, x Linda
Hi Cat - I'm feeling happy now that I have successfully located your comment( with Lindas help - I'm not very savvy on computers and rely heavily on daughter Lally to point me at the correct button!)
I'm working on a bit of blurb for the press release for the next Subversives show and will post that once I've finished it . Your comment makes me think that we should put up a photo + a brief biography , mission statement or whatever for each of us too ( including yourself)to help to make sense of the (likely to be extensive) photo archive we assemble in the future.
I am painting away at the moment( trying to make some big pieces for the STISA show ) so not ready to give blogging too much time , but I hope to be able to focus on it a bit later in the month once I've got a good start on the work.Seems like a good way to keep a group in touch when we all live in such tricky locations ( apart from the townies amongst us obviously !! )
Anyway , just wanted to say ' welcome' to you and look forward to meeting you soon . It's good to have you on board the submersive vessel! Pennyx
hi Linda, and Penny, thanks, Linda, for titling the photos; i'm a bit less confused now, and it's good to have a mental image to put against the names. thanks for your welcome, Penny. I hope to get down to Cornwall at least once in 2009 - life and Acts of Weather permitting. i appreciate being permitted to be one of the Submersives/Subversives, even as a small outer planet with a wide, wandering orbit. i'm impressed by the standard of work i've seen so far, and really look forward to seeing it in realspace, one day. yes, it sounds like a good idea to have a potted bio alongside all the work, on the blog, and i shall try to get out of my studio for long enough to put my own together - although i find these verbal self portraits an excruciating exercise, being much more comfortable being mostly invisible; or at least, well hidden behind everyone else...
hello everyone,
great photos - but i'd love more information... (being from Outer Elsewhere, i don't know who the people are.) could the pix have titles?
aka The Pondwhelk
Hello Cat, I got through to your comment and am leaving this in reply,I shall attempt to title the people and works in the images displayed and email the group to mention that future photo postings should include descriptions.
i am busy thinking dry thoughts and noticed the weather front had shifted upwards of outer beyond,
Hi Cat -
I'm feeling happy now that I have successfully located your comment( with Lindas help - I'm not very savvy on computers and rely heavily on daughter Lally to point me at the correct button!)
I'm working on a bit of blurb for the press release for the next Subversives show and will post that once I've finished it . Your comment makes me think that we should put up a photo + a brief biography , mission statement or whatever for each of us too ( including yourself)to help to make sense of the (likely to be extensive) photo archive we assemble in the future.
I am painting away at the moment( trying to make some big pieces for the STISA show ) so not ready to give blogging too much time , but I hope to be able to focus on it a bit later in the month once I've got a good start on the work.Seems like a good way to keep a group in touch when we all live in such tricky locations ( apart from the townies amongst us obviously !! )
Anyway , just wanted to say
' welcome' to you and look forward to meeting you soon . It's good to have you on board the submersive vessel! Pennyx
hi Linda, and Penny,
thanks, Linda, for titling the photos; i'm a bit less confused now, and it's good to have a mental image to put against the names.
thanks for your welcome, Penny. I hope to get down to Cornwall at least once in 2009 - life and Acts of Weather permitting. i appreciate being permitted to be one of the Submersives/Subversives, even as a small outer planet with a wide, wandering orbit. i'm impressed by the standard of work i've seen so far, and really look forward to seeing it in realspace, one day.
yes, it sounds like a good idea to have a potted bio alongside all the work, on the blog, and i shall try to get out of my studio for long enough to put my own together - although i find these verbal self portraits an excruciating exercise, being much more comfortable being mostly invisible; or at least, well hidden behind everyone else...
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